Sunday 10 December 2023

I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad, I got sunshine in a bag


...and after!

I almost broke my back sorting the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers yesterday. It had been drizzling all morning and I had taken myself off to the shops (as is my wont) - but as I was on my way back mid-afternoon, the sun came out. So I grabbed the opportunity with both hands. Three bin-bags full of dead crap and a couple of carefully re-sited ferns later, and I am very pleased with the results. [It's nowhere near finished, of course, but at least the bits you can see from the back passage are much improved..]

Today, I finally got a few bags of tulip and daffodil bulbs into pots [I bought them ages ago, and they've been sat in a carrier bag in the living room ever since]. Roll on Spring!

After all that frenetic activity, I think we deserve some "Sunday Music". Who'd have thought that this song would benefit from a "cool jazz" makeover..?!

Oh, that's better...


  1. We currently have a drizzly day and I, for one, am grateful. Poor miserable little patch of garden was so thirsty...

    1. Whereas here we are happy that it's not, for once, raining. Jx

  2. Excellent tune!!!! I spent the day with family yesterday with a delish dinner out...and today decking the halls with baubles and balls.

    A personal day off tomorrow...the Dame and I are off to jaunt to Longwood Gardens and Conservatory for the day. Overdue me thinks.

    1. She does this song true justice, methinks!

      Why am I not surprised you're off gallivanting again, Mads?! Jx

    2. At least this is not for an afternoon delight.

  3. What a great tune, sweetpea! I really should try some bulbs this year! It isn't too late to try now, is it? I need to check the where LA is on the horticultural scale! (Jesus,supernana is right,I really have had too much to drink tonight) xoxox

    1. Too late Savy?!?!?! I think you best get a huge head start for the next Informaniac Garden Event now......

    2. Savvy - I have no idea about LA, but I do know that bulbs (tulips in particular) need a cold period in order to be healthy and to flower. I may have been a bit late in planting them in the UK, but since we only had a short cold snap at the beginning of the month and it's been relatively mild since, I don't think I've "missed the boat".

      As Maddie says, any flowers you can get means another contribution to the Garden Photos Event! Jx

  4. What a surprising jazz cover.

    Your work in the extensive gardens is something to be proud of. What a job. I don't miss your weather but I do miss flower bulbs.

    1. It was a whirlwind of activity, too, given the ever-decreasing light levels.

      Miss Anderson's joyful cover version was just what the doctor ordered after all that! Jx

  5. I meant to go out into the garden this weekend and have a little tidy up too, but it didn't materialise what with one thing and another. Maybe this weekend?
    I expect most of the leaves are off your neighbouring weed trees now, aren't they?

    1. Once I got into the swing of it again (after neglecting the garden for weeks; hectic social life and all that...), it became less of a chore and more of a reward. The Madam took the baton and carried on ploughing through the crud on Monday - and it looks soooo much better for it. Jx

      PS All the leaves (and sycamore seeds) are now off the hideous weed trees, and I can practically guarantee that there were a damn sight more of the slimy cruddy bastards in our garden than there are in the neighbours' - in whose garden the tree resides!

  6. Thanks for your hard work and yet another classic make over.

    1. I'm keeping my eye on Miss Robyn Adele Anderson for more classic covers... Jx


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