Monday 22 January 2024

I'm afraid I've a terrible yen

Robin's probably about to have more fun than I am on a Monday...

Where do those bloody weekends go?!

As we drag our weary carcasses out into the midst of the stupidly-named "Storm Isha" for another week of joy,we need a proper wake-up call...

Enter, stage left, on this Tacky Music Monday - the marvellous Miss Virginia O'Brien!

All this yap-yap-yap
About glorifying dames
Leaves me like a cold potato
I'd much rather be
With a handsome he
Like Van Johnson who's a real tomato

For a date with Fred MacMurray
You can bet your life I'd hurry
And a guy like Mischa Auer
Has me completely in his power

In fact most any man I've seen
Is the only man for me

Bring on those wonderful men
Bring me an elegant guy
A soldier or sailor
A Gable or Taylor
A short or a tall one
I just wanna call one
My own, private wonderful he

Bring what you can to me
Bring me a guy to pin up
Bring me a prince on a horse
A dark or a light one
I just want to sight one
Who'll call me his missus
And give with the kisses
I'm afraid I've a terrible yen
For those wonderful M-E-N

Amor, Amor
There must be someone for me
But what's he waiting for?
No hope, no soap
If he don't appear
I fear I'm at the end of my rope

Oh, bring on a male who ain't frail
Bring on a man from a cave
Someone to relax with
And pay income tax with
And though he's from hunger
I'm not getting younger
And I'd like to get on with my plan
To glorify the American man

I know the men are few
But what's a gal to do?
I'll get a man before I'm through
Hey, you in the third row:
Bring on those wonderful men!

Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. The Batman and Robin frame is wild. I love the song, but Mischa Auer?

    1. I had to look him up - not exactly what I'd call "heartthrob material"... Jx

  2. Batman and Throbbin'. Oh the things the Bat Cave could tell us.

  3. Seems like some gals are gonna be waay back in the queue. Behind some of you!

  4. Replies
    1. At least we had 'em when we needed 'em... Jx


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