Monday 1 January 2024

She is my sweet patootie

Sparkle, Neely, sparkle!

Happy 2024, dear reader!

We've had a very slow day indeed, after our sparkling (and very late) "gathering of the clans" for the Dolores Delargo Towers Grand New Years Eve Party! I didn't even surface until it was getting dark at around 4pm...

Hey ho, we had no plans other than recovery, anyhow.

New Year's Day or no, it is still a Tacky Music Monday - so let's start as we need to go on, in the glitzy company of our Patron Saint of Bugle Beads Miss Mitzi Gaynor and her (banana-coloured) safety gays!

Enjoy the last dregs of holiday before it all fades back to "normality"...


  1. I had no idea how kitsch Mitzi Gaynor was at the time, but I suppose it mostly looks like kitsch when you look at those years. She COULD move. And she WAS fit. And I want one of those yellow suits! I love how you three shimmered on NYE!

    1. Mitzi (still with us, incidentally, at the grand age of 92) was/is one of the greatest of all "showgirls" - I had as a birthday present a copy of her Razzle Dazzle Years DVD, and I hope to make it the entire subject of one of our future glittering get-togethers! I love the cut of those boys's suits, but I'm not sure I could ever wear canary yellow...

      We simply had to have some glitter and sparkle on New Year's Eve! If you can't wear sequins then, when else?! Jx

  2. Charmante Mitzi est si belle et ses danseurs si gays.
    Certains d'entre nous regardaient ses garçons au lieu de Mitzi. :)

    1. Those safety gays are merely a distraction. The "main event" is that "shimmy dress"! Jx

  3. I think sulfur yellow would be a difficult fashion choice for just about anybody.

    1. Unless they happened to be Brazilian. Which they most definitely are not... Jx

  4. "Pipe down kid, your Auntie Mame is hung."

  5. Thank you for a fab NYE party. We do look lovely in our sparkles!

    1. I thought we out-sparkled most people's Xmas trees! Jx


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