Friday 5 January 2024

It's the place to do your own thing, hey, hey

Oh, thank goodness. It may have only been a short week thanks to the Festering Season, but it has dragged...

Now we have a much-deserved weekend to look forward to - and tomorrow we're off to the panto (oh, yes, we are!) - and what better way to begin the celebrations than this? Let's get our best canary-yellow feathery tasselly number from the back of the wardrobe, and practice our moves (like the safety gays shimmying along) with the delightful Ritchie Family!

Have a good one, dear reader!


  1. Oh bless the hearts of the flamboyant flaming boys in the background!

    1. Oh, I bet those queens dined out on the anecdote "I danced with The Ritchie Family, ya know?!" for years! Jx

  2. Where are The Temptations when you need them?

  3. Fab ! I loved it then and love it now.
    The boys actually look like they are enjoying themselves.
    I always wanted to be a 'Pip' by the way,

    1. Note to self: dig out some old Gladys Knight videos so we can practice twirling like a "Pip" in the living-room. Jx


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