The first full week back after any kind of break is always excruciating, irksome and tiring. At least last week, half the annoyingly needy people I usually deal with were still on leave after the Festering Season...
I'll just be very glad when 4 o'clock comes, for that's the moment the party starts - and we can get our most lurid outfits-with-feathers on, mouth some lyrics in front of psychedelic graphics, try and fend off a load of cheesy Spanish safety gays, and Thank Disco It's Friday! Just like Miss Gloria Gaynor:
Another mind-fuck.
Have a great weekend, dear reader!
Yikes. The video. The special effects. The choreography. The safety gays fighting over the dildo microphone. Why the hell did she even need a microphone? Her poorly choreographed back up singers didn’t have any. Still, I do like the song.
ReplyDeleteThe weird world of 1970s Spanish telly moves in mysterious ways, its wonders to perform... Poor Glo seems to be taking it in good humour, eying up the pay cheque, no doubt! Jx
DeleteGlorieuse Gloria, reine de disco.
ReplyDeleteSouvenirs de ma jeunesse à danser dans les boites de nuit de Montréal et de Québec Cité, mes cours de ballet m'ont été utiles.
En 1979, j'ai fait un voyage à New York pour danser dans leurs discothèques endiablées. Je portais un short moulant et révélateur et j'ai été autorisé à entrer dans le Studio 54, trop sauvage. Les Américains désiraient des Canadiens français.
De bons moments, maintenant révolus.
Such divine decadence - as you say, all gone nowadays... Jx
DeleteOh my Gawd! did they do this video as some kind of prank on the lovely Ms. Gaynor. She did a very good job to keep a straight face. So much orange it brought on one of my migraines.
ReplyDelete'Who had hold of my showerproof? I shall be cross if it's missing because it's a lovely tangerine poplin and I doubt I shall find another.'
Gloria Gaynor and "Kitty" - now there's a combination! Jx