Saturday 20 January 2024

It's a kind of madness really

[photo: Oliver McNeill at Legend Photography]

"Actors are able to trick themselves into treating anything as if it's fantastic. It's a kind of madness really."

"I've never ever read a script. I really must read Macbeth, because I was in it once. I got a lot of laughs in that, I can tell you."

"Well, I think if more people had more applause, it would make them feel better. I often give my wife a round of applause. If the meal is very good I give her a standing ovation."

"I'm really not an actor of any kind. I've always seen myself as an entertainer, someone who makes people laugh. That's all I've ever wanted to do. 'Doctor Who' has always just been me, really."

Happy 90th birthday to Mr Tom Baker, raconteur, actor, voice of Little Britain, and the most eccentric Doctor of them all.

As is amply demonstrated by this clip from his earliest appearance as the newly-regenerated Fourth Doctor:



  1. I did watch Dr. Who briefly when he was the star and I did love it.

    1. He was the longest-serving of all the Doctors, from 1974 to 1981, so it's not surprising you might have caught at least some part of his run... Jx

  2. Replies
    1. He was heaps of fun, but "my" Doctor was his predecessor Jon Pertwee. Jx

  3. He is absolutely and gloriously Bonkers and I adore him.
    His voice overs in 'Little Britain' are just pure genius.

    1. They were.

      Scarily, that show was twenty years ago..! Jx

  4. Whew! Huge sigh of relief...I thought he'd died and you were doing a blogging eulogy!

    1. I thought that when I posted it 🤣. Jx


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