Thursday 4 July 2024

I've got you in my heart, I got you in my head

Ignoring the UK general election and the US Independence Day completely... as our "summer" weather carries on in the bizarre pattern that it usually does in the UK at this time of year [it was considerably warmer at midnight last night than it was at midday yesterday], let us travel back in time to another unsettled yet rather warm year...1999!

Twenty-five years ago [gulp!] this month, it was indeed very dry and sunny, but thunderstorms were everywhere. That didn't stop us partying, of course!

Can these "songs of the summer" really be that old??!! Fuck.

A quarter of a century?! Where did that go?


  1. I thought Boom, Boom, etc. was going to be John Lee Hooker and the Groundhogs. But I guess that would be going back way too far.

    1. I wouldn't know John Lee Hooker from an actual hooker, to be honest. Never heard of him. Jx

    2. Good lord! Ring the bells! Shout "hallelujah" I've heard of someone in the music world Jon doesn't know! Vacate the fainting chaise for Dinah...


    4. After I posted that comment, I went and looked him up - and yes, I have seen and heard him before - just never knew his name... Jx

  2. I have my winter clothes on! Though I also have hay fever! What a glorious summer we are having.

    1. I couldn't believe last night - I went out for the last fag of the evening and it was like someone had put a fan heater on outside. Today, it's been a bit chilly (out of the sun). Again. Let's count our blessings it's not pissing it down, like it usually does during Wimbledon fortnight! Jx

  3. Some great Oldies to be sure!!! And Boom Boom Boom was never played here as much as We Like to Party!. Many forget that one. I have some friends and family here in it's going to be a long day of libations, Pimms Cups, and pints not the mention a weekend jolly I leave for tomorrow.

    1. I miss pure pop party choons such as Vengaboys, S-Club 7, Take That and their ilk used to do - but I also miss "proper" house/dance music, too [the sort that doesn't require a "guest rapper" or some reedy-voiced trollop covered in tattoos grinding her body down]! Jx

  4. Nothing worse than bad weather during a contentious election season, sweetpea! I hope the weather and politics on both sides of the pond turn towards the sun! xoxo

    1. I couldn't give a stuff about the election. Nothing will change. All I want is a good summer, so we can get out there, go visit a park or two, have a picnic, enjoy the garden and all that... Jx

  5. Listening to these Summer Choons almost lets me forget that it is absolutely pissing it down outside. Almost.

    1. Glad I could take your mind off the storms, Mr DeVice! Jx

  6. It was one hell of a year for Dance Music and we enjoyed every bit of it.

    1. We did - back when we could dance for hours without wheezing... Jx


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