Saturday 24 August 2024

A live and lively broadcast

It is the centenary today of the birth of one of the greats of the genre known as "light music", Mr Alyn Ainsworth. Conductor and arranger with the BBC Northern Dance Orchestra for many years, he conducted at the Royal Command Performance three times, and the orchestra for the Eurovision Song Contest on five occasions, as well as contributing the music to a whole load of light entertainment shows with the likes of Cilla Black and Lena Zavaroni.

And here he is to provide today's "musical interlude", in the all-smoking, all-cardigans, hi-tech world of the BBC!

How many "celebrities" did you spot, dear reader? Tee Hee.


  1. Well, a lot of faces looked familiar but I couldn’t name one. I’m sure, however, if you name them I’ll say “Oh yeah!” I’m sure I saw Rhett Butler (not Clark Gable, mind you, but Rhett Butler),

    1. I wouldn't expect an American to recognise a load of 1950s BBC actors and presenters, but I'm waiting to see who Ms Scarlet might spot... Jx

  2. How lovely was that. Happy centenary to the wonderful Alyn Ainsworth.
    The Hollywood Canteen was not a patch on the BBC Green Room.

    1. Oh, to have been a fly on the wall in either... Jx

  3. We heard so much about the BBC canteen growing up - I always wanted work there!! Anyhow, I recognised no one!! But it did give me an ache to buy knitwear from M&S and also to buy a packet of fags from a kiosk!!
    Fascinating film clip.

    1. Not even Judith Chalmers?

      I imagine those woollens took some washing to get all the fag smoke out. Jx

  4. Is that a young Margaret Thatcher in the YouTube video still?

    1. Now you say it, I can't unsee it... Jx


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