Friday 30 August 2024

Up, up to the sky

Oh, those God-botherers..!

TFFT! It may only be a four-day week thanks to the Bank Holiday, but I feel like I have been through four rounds with Mike Tyson already. Just seven hours to go...

...and it's time to party!

Who better to raise our spirits and get our boogie on than the delightful Silver Convention?!

Try not to crick your neck emulating these dance moves, dear reader - and Thank Disco It's Friday!!

Have a great weekend, peeps!


  1. I love the music but what the hell is going with that set in the video. A nightmare complete with dismembered hands in the corner.
    The violins on this track are Disco Fabulous

    1. I agree - that's a bafflingly odd set. Then again, this is Dutch TV. Someone had probably had a bit too much of the strong stuff. Jx

  2. LOL. I was recently thinking that I only remember those 4 lines from this song and needed to look it up. Turns out I know the entire song by heart!

  3. I hadn't thought of that song in years. It still as magical as I remembered it

    1. They were there at the pinnacle of the Disco era. Such a long time ago! Sigh. Jx


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