Tuesday 27 August 2024

Back from a fantasy


Holiday is over...

Back to life, back to reality
Back to life, back to reality
Back to life, back to reality
Back to the here and now, oh yeah

Show me how
Decide what you want from me
Tell me maybe I could be there for you

However, do you want me?
However, do you need me? How
However, do you want me?
However, do you need me?
However, do you want me?
However, do you need me? How (however)
However, do you want me?
However, do you need me?

Back to life
Back to the present time
Back from a fantasy, yes
Tell me now, take the initiative
I'll leave it in your hands
Until you're ready, yeah

Have a good week, dear reader. I won't.


  1. Ack, it'll soon be the weekend. Get yourself a treat on the way home.

    1. I got two M&S luxury fish pies half-price, if that counts. I do now, however, have a chilled cider in my hand so all's well with the world... Jx

  2. The second most intense, thought provoking, poignant lyrics in music history, after this one of course.

    1. Denise LaSalle was known as the "Queen of the Blues", apparently. Not on that evidence alone, I'm sure. Jx

  3. Love this track and all I can say about Madam LaSalle is Toot Toot.

    1. Two catchy choons for the price of one! Jx


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