Thursday 15 August 2024

Want in Mokum ben ik rijk, en gelukkig tegelijk

By the time you read this, dear reader, we should be in the skies across the North Sea heading for our beloved Amsterdam!

Only one song will do (it's traditional!):

Geef mij maar Amsterdam
Dat is mooier dan Parijs
Geef mij maar Amsterdam
Mijn Mokums paradijs
Geef mij maar Amsterdam
Met zijn Amstel en het IJ
Want in Mokum ben ik rijk
En gelukkig tegelijk
Geef mij maar Amsterdam

"Normal" service will resume some time after our return on Monday...


  1. By the time I read this, you were in Amsterdam having a grand old time.

  2. I hope you're having a wonderful time!

  3. Look at all those windows, an endless task to keep smear free. My maid of all work Carmen, collects those little black cloths you get with prescription glasses and uses them to buff up the windows, they come up a treat. I hope you enjoy yourself and get plenty of cock!

    1. There are plenty of windows with red lights behind to go round, and rarely a smear in sight! Those girls keep a clean cubicle. Jx

  4. Well, that's an impressive and colourful frontage - no wonder you keep going back for more!

    1. That's the Bloemenmarkt! Every one of those flower/bulb shops is afloat. I think you'd love it! Jx


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