Friday 2 August 2024

See how I'm walkin'

It's hot and stuffy, but at least there's a weekend in sight - and a smattering of "our gang" is off to see Imelda Staunton in Hello Dolly at the London Palladium tonight!

Let's start the party by indulging ourselves in another slice of 70s cheesiness, in the inimitable company of the lovely Legs & Co. They're paying "tribute" - as only they could! - to a rather fab house favourite here at Dolores Delargo Towers.

So clad yourself in your finest shimmy-shimmy-shake outfit, prepare to get down and boogie - and Thank Disco It's Friday!

See how I'm walkin', see how I'm talkin'
Notice ev'rything in me
Feel the need, oh feel, feel the need in me
I need you by my side to be my guide
Can't you see my arms are open wide?
Feel the need, oh feel, feel the need in me

Have a good weekend, dear reader...


  1. Just in time too. It's been a very humid week here. Ill be poolside tomorrow for a summer pool party! Break out the caftans!!!!!

    1. I can only dream of being anywhere near a pool... But somehow I doubt you'd find me in a caftan. EVER! Jx

  2. Lots of walk but no one’s getting anywhere. Keep cool and enjoy the weekend. Imelda Stanton just gets better and better. Can’t wait to hear about Dolly.

    1. Surprisingly the (limited) aircon at the Palladium made it a much more comfortable experience than we expected. The show? Fucking brilliant! [More on that later, no doubt...] Jx

  3. I'm glad to hear you had a good time. I bet some of those Legs & Co. gals were probably turning tricks in the parking lot outside the show.

    1. They might well have done after their "act" was cancelled from Top of the Pops in 1981... Jx

  4. I hope you had a great evening!
    Thankfully the weather has cooled and I can sleep again!

    1. Thankfully, a breeze has arrived here, too! Jx

  5. It's cooled off a little here, thankfully - not that it ever got as warm as you had it, Jon - just in time for some work in the garden.

    Happy weekend, Jon! x

    1. I'm planning a bit of pottering in the garden, too, as long as it doesn't rain. It's gone very grey... Jx

  6. Fab track but Legs & Co were just Pan's people with another name = awful !

    1. It was all Flick Colby choreography. 'Nuff said. Jx


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