Wednesday 28 August 2024

Today is gonna be the day

Many happy returns to the very lovely "friend of the gays" Hannah Waddingham, 50 today!

Another snippets post today, dear reader:

  • Bearskin/bare skin news: A guardsman who served at HM The Queen's funeral and at the Coronation of King Charles has been crowned "Mr England" in a beauty contest. I'm standing to attention as we speak...
  • Hello Barbie, let's go party: Nokia has launched a new "Barbie phone" for kids that has - gulp - no social media access. Poor darlings.
  • And finally - Gallagher ceasefire news: You'd have to be living on another planet to have missed the news that famously-bickering Liam and Noel Gallagher have put aside their fierce insults to re-form mega-90s band Oasis for a massive tour next year. Defintely, maybe. To round things off nicely, here's their all-time classic, and my fave track of theirs:

And the weather? An "Indian Summer" is upon us!


  1. I have an excellent idea of just what that guardsman can keep an eye on for me. Also, I don't think I have ever spelled the word "guard" correctly the first time I take a crack at it.

    1. He does look like he's adept at polishing big weapons... Jx

      PS Where such words are concerned, blame the French.

  2. Happy day, Hannah Waddingham! Happy for Mr. England although he does nothing for me. He’s all yours. As for Oasis, Wonderwall was my favorite song of theirs, too. Although they are not my favorites for SO many reasons.

    1. The Gallagher brothers are a pair of football hooligan-types made good - but they produced a few memorable hits. I shan't be rushing to see them trying to restrain themselves from punching each other on stage... Jx

  3. Wonderwall is my favourite too. Do you remember the Mike Flowers version? I loved it at the time - irony was having its moment in the sun.
    I read that the Oasis reunion will make them more money than they made in the 90s!

    1. I love the Mike Flowers version (and I see you've just created a post out of it)!

      Touring is nowadays - mainly thanks to the fact that people don't actually buy as many physical copies of records as they always used to - the most lucrative source of income for any artist. That's why bands reform and immediately go on tour - and also why artists don't retire easily! Jx

  4. Happy Birthday Hannah and I would be happy with any Guardsman. in or out of uniform.


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