Sunday 25 August 2024

All systems go, the sun hasn't died

Our little "gang" is gathering in some numbers today at Regent's Park for our Grand Picnic - and copious quantities of booze and food will no doubt be consumed! A good way to finish off my holiday, methinks...

There is apparently a swing band playing at the bandstand, which will be fab - but meanwhile, another little something from our own "house band" is in order:



  1. I love that old photo of you and the gang and would love to see you in those outfits now. Interesting interpretation of Radioactive.

    1. Oh, don't tempt us, Mitchell - we might well select "Edwardian tweediness" as a Pride theme one day! Or maybe not.

      Mr Douglas Jr has a remarkable voice - we saw Jx

    2. Oops! Just spotted my comment cut off halfway through. What I meant to say was we saw (and heard) the man's vocals in full force at the PMJ show in the London Palladium back in May! Jx

  2. Have a wonderful time. Don't get sunburned. That's a joke.

    1. We had quite a bit of sunshine during the afternoon, so we did actually get a bit of colour! Jx

  3. It's oddly warm here so I hope you're also feeling the benefit. Have a great day!

    1. As I said to Peenee, there was quite a bit of sunshine, but it was very breezy which kept the air a bit cool at times - and by early evening it had completely clouded-over, so we went to the nearest Wetherspoons! Still, we spent at least five hours in the park en famille, and had a great time. Jx


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