Thursday 1 August 2024

Of Doom, the Kenwood Chef and the Nitty Gritty

A snippets post again, dear reader...

  • Design news: What do the Kenwood Chef food mixer, the Kodak Instamatic camera, the Ronson Rio hairdryer, the Morphy Richards iron, the InterCity 125 high-speed train and the 1997 TX1 version of the London taxi have in common? Their designs were the work of one man - Sir Kenneth Grange! (RIP)

  • Biblical plague news: Beach-goers in Rhode Island were swamped by a massive swarm of dragonflies. Harmless, apparently, but I think I'd have covered the sandwiches.

  • And finally: Sad news - as the "best 60s dancer ever" viral social media hit of a few years ago Bobby Banas has departed for the great "Nitty Gritty" dancefloor on Fabulon...



Choices, choices...

Thomas Ceccon...

...or Jules Bouyer?

[click to embiggen]


  1. I loved Shirley Ellis, so it’s fun to hear this and see the dancing despite the sad fact that the dancers are all white bread white. Oh, those Olympians!

    1. "Tracy, our souls are black, even though our skin is white..." ☺️


      PS The sheer array of totty in meagre amounts of clothing is the only reason to watch the Olympics!

  2. A hard choice.... both swimmers looked packed for a week if you know what I'm saying.

    On another note, my tummy gets upset just LOOKING Cadbury's Creme Eggs.

    1. HARD choice, indeed. The size of each one's cocks must make aerodynamics a problem. No problem for me... Jx

  3. The Cadbury's Creme Egg story made me laugh when I read it - of all the things to steal!! Yep, sick as a pig.

    1. I don't know anyone who actually likes the things - sickly-sweet and bloody difficult to eat... Jx

  4. I would love a swarm of dragonflies to do my (evil) bidding! I must look into a collaboration with the local Anisoptera...

    P.S. The Intercity was my favourite train as a child - I had one as part of my train set!

    1. I had a double-take at the Latin name - then saw it was an "i" not a "u" 😂. Jx

      PS The Intercity 125 was a splendid design. I didn't have a train set when I was a child! We never had the room...

  5. Replies
    1. When I say hit it
      I want you to go
      Two up and two back
      With a big strong turn
      And back to the Madison



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