Monday 5 August 2024


Monday again...

Yet again, the fates decree that weekends (especially really enjoyable ones) must fly by faster than any time spent in work.

Never mind, eh? This is my last week in work before I have a fortnight's annual leave - with my birthday looming on Saturday, and a long weekend in Amsterdam on Thursday next to look forward to!

On this Tacky Music Monday, what better wake-up call could there be than a combination of the Netherlands' finest "dressing-up queens" De Toppers and the post-millennium version of 80s legends the Weather Girls?

Campness abounds!

Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. I hope this week flies by for you! Great tune to start the week as well.
    Does this mean somebody has to stand in for you whilst you're away?

    1. I have covered so much for other people lately, they owe me 🤣! Jx

    2. Heavens!!!!!!!!!! There's goes the blogland if were all gone. Rumors will start flowing.....

    3. I'm only away for five days. The rest is "me time" in London! Jx

  2. Happy Fucking Monday! I too just have to make it to Friday and then I'm done for two weeks. Here's to the week flying by, cheers!

    1. You and I, off at the same time? People will talk... 😉 Jx

  3. I don’t even work and I had a hard time facing Monday. But the Weather Girls made me feel better, as they always do. Will I never tire of this song?

    1. The Weather Girls, whether Martha and Izora (RIP) or these days, (Izora's daughter) Dynelle and Dorrey Lin, never fail to raise a smile! Jx

  4. The suits in the beginning were reminiscent of the HubbaBubba Bubble Gum wrappers of the 90s. I feel like with a song "it's raining me" all of the dancers should have been men. Who needs the female dancers? (Sorry ladies.)

    I do hope you'll have pictures of Amsterdam to share with us! In case I miss it, Happy Birthday, Jon!

    1. I am sure De Toppers would be - ahem - proud of the comparison.

      As for the dancers, you'll notice that all the girls are in waterproofs... Jx

      PS I'm sure there'll be loads of photos from the 'Dam! I always post a few every year when we get back.

  5. Those were some high quality Safety Gays

    1. Hand picked by De Toppers' "Queen Bee" Gerard Joilng, no doubt! Jx

    2. That should read Gerard Joling

  6. Replies
    1. A De Toppers concert has long been on our bucket list, for this very reason! Jx


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