Friday 6 September 2024

Everybody on the floor

Yay! The end of the week is nigh...

Time for a boogie, dear reader - so, whether you choose to don your biggest Afro, or swathe yourself in feathers from headdress to knicker-line, let's get that party started...

...just like Miss Gwen Dickie and her boys in Rose Royce - and Thank Disco It's Friday!

Have a great weekend, peeps!


  1. To think I once dressed like that (like Rolls Royce, not Gwen Dickie... although that would have been more fun).

    1. For a moment I thought you meant Legs & Co! The sailor top and panties combo must have been very popular in the 1970s... Jx

  2. Just in time dear....and I even had a four day work week.

  3. Loved Rose Royce and I know I should but I don't think I remember this track ! I do remember those fab trousers being in fashion though; mine were in Mint Green.

    1. Mmmm. Mint green flares. A different world... Jx


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