Monday 2 September 2024

Se polkka taas menneitä mieleen tuo*

Happy birthday Keanu Reeves, 60 today! Time's a terrible thing...

Oh shit. Here we go again...

After a really pleasant weekend - warm sunshine, a meet-up with the Madam's cousin and his family on a rare vist to London on Saturday night, a bit of pottering in the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers - wham! We're back to work, and it's a Tacky Music Monday once more!

Here's something that is almost certain to wake you up out of your stupor, dear reader - even if it's only to switch it off, while screaming:

Vodka for breakfast? No, ta. I'll have gin.

Have a good week, dears.

[* "Se polkka taas menneitä mieleen tuo" = "This polka reminds me of the past" in Finnish]


  1. Yep - pass the vodka, and the gin!! Reminds me of the Follyfoot theme tune [horsey kids programme in the 70s].

    1. "Blow, blow, the Lightning Tree!" I remember it well. Although there was a lot less vodka drinking in that, as I recall. Jx

  2. I will take your 'taas menneitä mieleen tuo'
    and raise it to
    "Ratsatsaa ja ripidabi dilla
    Beritstan dillan dellan doo
    A baribbattaa baribbariiba
    Ribiribi distan dellan doo
    Ja barillas dillan deia dooa
    Daba daba daba daba daba duvja vuu"

    Holly Dolly "Dolly Song" ( ieva's polka )

    1. I would love to hear the Swingle Singers version of that !

    2. I immediately thought of Holly Dolly when I heard this! Jx

  3. What a bizarre video. Would you like ham with that vodka? I had forgotten about the Swingle Singers, so I just went looking for them. I listened to one song and remembered why I had forgotten about them!

    1. The Swingle Singers were bewilderingly popular in the 1970s - and are still going! An acquired taste... Jx

  4. Now I know why I prefer to go fishing alone! Ha! :)

    1. Alone - with a bottle of vodka? Jx

    2. Those noisy people would scare all the good fish away and I would not mind being alone with a bottle of vodka, though I do prefer rum.

  5. Holly Dolly passed me by. I wish I could the same of the god-awful bloody Swingles!

    1. Holly Dolly was a novelty that we discovered while on holiday in Spain many years ago, and thought was hilarious!

      The Swingles, however, were a novelty when they first arrived half a century ago, but I can't help wondering who's buying their records these days? Jx


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