Thursday 19 September 2024

Oh, oh, oh, Arrrrr!

Many happy returns, Dame Twiggy - 75 years old today!

Another snippets post today, dear reader:

The weather? Rather lovely at the moment...


  1. A pirate walks into a bar with a ship’s wheel sticking out the front of his pants.
    The bartender asks, "Why do you have a ship’s wheel sticking out of your pants?"
    Pirate says, "Aaaarrr, it's driving me nuts"

    1. Boom-tish!

      You should be on the stage, Mitchell.

      Sweeping it. 🤣🤣🤣


  2. Twiggy 75!!!!!!!!! Gulp.

    Meanwhile TGIF has closed up here starting in the pandemic.many of my friends worked their in college days.ive never been a huge chain eater.

    1. We love Twiggy, but it is difficult to picture her as old...

      We've eaten in loads of chain restaurants (and the Madam has worked for several!) over the years, but TGI Fridays was always a mystery. What was the attraction for people to want to go there? Even as a student in the 80s, when it was all new and shiny - and close to my college, so a popular gathering-place - I found it completely lacking any kind of atmosphere or any food worth eating at the prices they charged. There are several similar chains that are equally perplexing, like Frankie and Benny's, Garfunkels or Giraffe that have no apparent reason to exist, yet still hang on by their fingernails... Jx


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