Tuesday 3 September 2024

He's the greatest, he's fantastic! Wherever there is danger he'll be there

Another snippets post, dear reader...

  • Sad news: The writer and co-creator of one of the UK's (and our) most beloved cartoons Danger Mouse, Brian Trueman has died aged 92. Here's the theme tune, by way of a trip down memory lane...

And the weather? Up and down like a whore's drawers.


  1. First, first first first first first oh yeah!
    Nobody is worthier of the pointy hat than 'Serena', IMHO. He is the best thing about the LOTR movies - almost the exact image of what I'd always imagined Gandalf to look and sound like. Love the weather report - it's been the whores' drawers here too! XO

    1. Yay!

      I can't quite picture anyone but Serena as Gandalf either. He's such a fantastic actor...

      We're having a typical "four seasons in one day" snap at the moment, after Sunday's sultry warmth, but hey ho - we should be used to it by now. This is Britain - an island in the Atlantic, on the same latitude as Newfoundland and Labrador, yet bathed in the Gulf Stream. We get every type of weather - and of course, can't stop talking about it! Jx

  2. Agree, there can only be one true Gandalf on the silver screen. We love Danger Mouse here! We have it on DVD and our son enjoyed it too when he was younger.

    Our weather had put us in the oven, then into the fridge and now we get reheated starting tomorrow. We also had a rare proper Thunderstorm about a week ago, that was something.

    1. Danger Mouse was a brilliant show! Shame it, to, has had one of those "CGI makeovers", complete with (sigh) extra "diverse" characters. Why do they keep re-booting things these days?!

      I'm sure your weather (being between the Pacific and the mountains) must be quite dramatic! Jx

  3. Although I’d heard of Danger Mouse, I’d never actually seen him. l recently read about the upside-down pineapple. So subtle. I’m rarely there. I’ll be suspicious if SG comes home with a pineapple. I understand Ian McKellen said “They better be quick if they want me to play Gandalf again.”

    1. Ha! I can't imagine SG cruising the aisles of a Mercadona, tbh.

      Danger Mouse was essential viewing - even though I was 18 when it started!

      Serena is 85, so I suppose he has a point... Jx

  4. Oh gods! I'm so much older than those of the pick-up tricks era. I think wearing lacy underskirts when doing shoulder throws to rock n roll hits was the closest I came...

    1. Sexual intercourse began
      In nineteen sixty-three
      (which was rather late for me) -
      Between the end of the "Chatterley" ban
      And the Beatles' first LP.

      - Philip Larkin


  5. I used to live in Bromley! Always ahead of the times.

    1. I've never been. Probably never will, if they've got Xmas trees popping up all over the place! Jx

      PS Did you click the link to the real story?

  6. I saw a news article about pineapple-aided dating and immediately thought of Geoff Tipps' mau-mau joke...

    1. I followed the link. Who's Geoff? Why does he tell crap jokes?

  7. Your the Danger Mouse to my Penfold.


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