Wednesday 11 September 2024

Hardcore crones

Taylor Swift does not represent us, says League of Spinsters

Childless cat-owning women have decried Taylor Swift as not representative of their wizened, child-scaring community.

Hardcore crones, with as many as 16 feral felines in shadowy homes which they only leave to shout at the young, say they have been fighting for women’s bodily autonomy longer than any stripling of a 34-year-old.

86-year-old spinster Margaret Gerving said: “Well pardon me for having progressive views while cackling in a rocking chair. We can’t all have toned pins and sell out global stadium tours, you know.

“Swift barely has a wrinkle, has a mere three cats and far from being single and unwanted, she’s entertained a string of gentleman callers and is currently seeing a footballer. She doesn’t even know we prefer to be called crazy cat ladies.”

Susan Traherne, aged 90, agreed: “If I endorsed Kamala Harris it would carry some weight, what with my average weekly shop being 60 tins of Felix and a single loaf of bread. Those are heavyweight credentials.

“But her? Does her audience really care why she did this, or do they blindly like her Instagram post because she can belt out a tune in a skimpy outfit? I’m bitterly cynical by nature after my fiancé left me at the altar in 1954, but I’m inclined to believe the latter.”

She added: “I see Elon Musk has offered to impregnate her. He says the same to me every day. But when he’s in cat form.”

The Daily Mash

Of course.

[The "real" story]


  1. I love this version, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. the Daily Mash is always far better than reading the "real" news... Jx

  2. Spot on and three cheers for Mad Cat Ladies

    1. She unscrews the top from her new whiskey bottle
      Shuffles about in her candle-lit hovel
      Like some kind of witch with blue fingers and mittens
      She smells like a cat and the neighbours she sickens
      Black and white TV has long seen a picture
      The cross on the wall is a permanent fixture
      The postman delivers the final reminders
      She sells off her silver and poodles in china

      Drinks to remember
      I, me and myself; winds up the clock and knocks dust from the shelf
      Home is a love that I miss very much
      The past has been bottled and labelled with love

      Indeed. Jx


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