Wednesday 25 September 2024

Why do only fools and horses work?

Many happy returns to Michael Douglas (80 years old) AND to his wife Catherine Zeta-Jones (55) today!

More "snippets" today, dear reader...

  • Patron Saint news: Our Princess Kylie has announced a massive new tour– her biggest in more than a decade – taking in (so far, as announced) Australia, Asia and venues up and down the UK. Somewhat pricy, inevitably, so I think we may just bask in the memory of seeing her at Proms in the Park back in 2012...

  • Comeback news: Former children's-TV-stalwart-turned-cosy-daytime-telly-host Phillip Schofield [see here], whose downfall - he was exposed as having an affair with a younger male colleague while ostensibly married with kids - made tabloid news headlines for months is returning to our screens in a new Channel 5 reality show Cast Away.
  • Significant anniversary news: That most British of composers (with an admittedly Germanic name) Gustav Holst's 150th anniversary (which actually fell on 21st September 2024) was (as one might expect) well-and-truly celebrated at The Proms, and on BBC Radio 3 all last week. Lest I be accused of ignoring this milestone, here's one of the most melodramatic orchestral works of the early 20th century, by way of tribute:

  • And, finally: Happy Comic Book Day! As my regular reader will already know, I am a bit of a "Marvel geek" - and have been ever since I was a kid, when the original Spidey cartoon (and its magnificent theme tune) was a new thing:

And the weather? Foul, gloomy and wet.


  1. Oh my 80!!!!! And Catherine is looking a bit witchy. Here's to them!

    1. She was a rather marvellous "Morticia" in the Wednesday series, so I think the vibe suits her... Jx

    2. I think I'd rather watch Spiderman shoot his "web".

    3. Especially if it's Tom Holland. Jx

  2. I know the Spiderman tune from watching it with my brother (that’s my excuse). That “Sorry” cartoon is so funny!

    1. Any excuse... Jx

      PS I love that cartoon, too!

  3. I love listening to "The Planets" while I'm driving to or from work. I see Susanna Malkki's fringe was doing as much to conduct the orchestra as her baton!

    1. Yes, her quiff certainly added to the performance! Jx


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