Sunday 29 September 2024

Mix it up!

"A blustery day", said Pooh. The wind is bringing the bastard sycamore keys down like a blizzard upon the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers today. I could weep at the encroaching blanket of evilness that's subsuming all our lovely plants...

Never mind, eh? How about a little selection of the "newer" music that has caught my ear of late to take our minds off it?

Let's kick off, shall we, with an "Elton John lookey-likey" throwing a tantrum? It's rather catchy, actually...

Take a bit of Kazaky, mix it with a touch of Trans-X Living On Video, add a bitch on heat, and what do you get? This!

Speaking of "on heat"... Call him slut? Call him whore? OK then, I will!

Bringing a bit of much-needed class into the proceedings after all that lascivious behaviour, something jazzy and joyful:

Something a bit mysterious from Austria:

And finally - saving the best for last, another absolute banger from Our Princess Kylie!!

As ever, let me know your thoughts, dear reader!

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