Sunday 22 January 2023

Gong hei fat choy!'s The Year of the Rabbit!

Time for a bit of Chas and Dave, methinks:

Chinese New Year 2023


  1. Same to you, fella!

    And, by the way, has anyone ever told you you've got a wonderful smell? Why don't you give it a rest? Rabbit. Rabbit. rabbitrabbitrabbit

    1. How was I to know you'd bend my earholes too,
      with your excessive talking,
      you're becoming a PEST.

      Love 'em! Jx

  2. I really love that picture representing Richard Addams Watership Down! Ironically, I read his book Plague Dogs, in which the characters are dogs with heavy Scottish accents while I was in India for a month. My brain was sufficiently challenged trying to understand the vast differences in accents both in hearing and reading.

    Happy "New Year of the Rabbit" to you too!

    1. I never read the Plague Dogs; in fact Watership Down was the only book of his I read. The animated film adaptation was rather fabulous, too [I believe it was that for which that scary graphic was created, rather than the book]. Such a shame that it is nowadays so indelibly linked with the dreary Bright Eyes by Art Garfunkel. Richard Adams himself loathed the song! Jx

    2. Watership Down was the first proper book I read after I'd ploughed through Enid Blyton. I loved it, then I read The Plague Dogs - which still haunts me, and then I tried Shardik, which I don't think I finished.

    3. I had a whole bookcase full of Enid Blyton books and Ladybird books when I was a child. My mother gave them all to a charity shop! Probably worth a bit of money nowadays. Jx

  3. It's the Year of the Cat in Vietnam, which I sort of prefer.

    1. Not nearly as tasty in a pie, I imagine. Jx

    2. I'm somewhat surprised that Mr P prefers the pussy...(exits quietly...)

  4. Does Sainsbury's sell rabbit?


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