Monday 5 June 2023

I love to love you, ‘deed I do

Shit! Back to the office again...

It was a lovely weekend, over too soon. As always.

As we try and reconcile the fact that work is a necessary evil against the inner desire to just say "sod it", it's cheering to note that today is World Cider Day, when my favourite tipple gets the recognition it deserves!

On this Tacky Music Monday, I have found a most apt way to celebrate:

Utterly perfect, in every way.

Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. Oh, thanks for the song. That's immediately where my mind went when I read “apple cider.” Is the blonde in the GIF someone from work who always refuses to get out of your way?

    1. Office politics - with big shoulders! Jx

  2. Do you remember Cider lollies from the 70s? They were nice. Could do with one now.

    1. Cider lollies were my favourite! I wonder if Lyons Maid still make them? (If they did, I'm sure they'd be a third of the size of the ones we remember.) Come to think of it, is Lyons Maid even going anymore? Questions, questions. Jx

  3. OO, my grandma made cider every fall - and put up some hard cider that would have you crying on the roof in your underpants. Wow that stuff was strong!

    1. I've known some strong ciders in my time, but I do prefer "quaffing strength", so I can drink it all night and not get knocked into a coma... Jx

  4. I haven't had cider for ages.And were cider lollies those frozen things on sticks? I must try making some!

    1. It's a perfect thirst-quencher - and I drink enough of it, so I'm never dehydrated! Yes, cider lollies were frozen on a stick, and were delish, as I recall. Jx

  5. I think Asda do them now - but I bet they don't taste as juicy as we remember!

    1. I wouldn't even know where our nearest Asda store is - it's not prolific in London like it is elsewhere in the country. I could try Iceland to see if it does them but, as you say, they would only be a disappointment... Jx

    2. Any cider in the house goes into my glass, not the freezer. Jx

  6. Wot, World Cider Day and No Adge Cutler

    'Drink up thy zider, drink up thy zider
    For tonight we'll merry be
    Drink up thy zider boys, get it off thy chest
    Drink up thy zider boys, it's time we had a rest
    There's nothing like more zider to make thy smile grow wider
    And there's still more zider in the west'

    1. I would have posted a Worzels number, but I probably would have needed to translate it for my dear readers... Jx


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