Friday 9 June 2023

I love ya tomorrow!

At last! The UK is expecting some lovely hot weather this weekend - and, despite the neurotic warnings from the UK Health Security Agency, we look forward to spending much time enjoying it in the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers.

What better way to celebrate the end of another stressful week than with our most scary Patron Saint, the inimitable Miss Grace? Thank Disco It's Friday!

Have a faboo weekend, dear reader!


  1. How can I have lived this long and never heard Grace Jones sing “Tomorrow”? Well, come to think of it, I wasn't missing anything.

    1. Ha! Grace would scare the living daylights out of a load of ginger-headed orphans! And Miss Hannigan, too. Jx

  2. It's the disconnect between artist and material that I love.

    1. Grace Jones is the unavowed master/mistress of that - look what she did with Chrissie Hynde's Private Life or The Police's Demolition Man... Jx

  3. Ha! I thought it was going to be a different tune called Tomorrow! That was a surprise! In Devon we have storms predicted for the weekend. And no health warnings.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I am now struggling to think what song you had in mind... Jx

  4. It was too hot for Dorothy here today and we had to do the emergency nipple thing on cold concrete

    1. Not sure quite what this means, but I am rather hoping that Dorothy isn't your auntie or a work colleague. Jx

  5. Today it may finally have hit 20 degrees here - we've been languishing behind the rest of the country and "enjoying" temps of around 14 or 15, if that. I'm too hot now!

    I found a documentary or something about Grace Jones on iPlayer the other day. I might watch it tonight now that you've reminded me.

    Enjoy your weekend in the sun!

    1. It was 30C in London today - I took myself off (on foot, as I couldn't face a bus in daytime temperatures like this) to the garden centre and really did enjoy the sunshine. Sometimes I swear I'm part-lizard. Jx

  6. Love the sun Love Grace Love her version of this and bought it in the 70s
    Did I ever tell you I met her ?


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