Sunday 11 June 2023

“That’s me slingbacks been remanded”

Breaking news - Wee Jimmy Kankie former Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's been arrested!

Let's hear from "the lady herself", shall we?

[Comedian Janey Godley at her very best!]


  1. Hilarious video. At one point, I had thought she was one of the good ones. Is there no hope? And if SHE can be arrested, why can't anyone arrest the American Orange Menace?

    1. You must have been one of very few people (this side of the Scottis heartlands, that is) who thought she was anything but a self-serving gobshite.

      As for her arrest [she's since been released "without charge, pending further investigations", btw], we have a very different constitutional arrangement to the complicated mindfuck that is the US of A. Politicians here are all servants of the Crown. Thankfully ,we do not (and will never) have a presidential system... Jx

    2. My laptop is[ infot tyrfeatment ] I am borrowing The Man's laptop while o please excuse typosmine is in for ...godknowswhat treatment si

    3. I think I'll need a Babel fish to translate this one. Is it Klingon, perhaps? Jx

  2. M y attempt at typing on a strange keyboard [see above] buggered my half laughing-half hair tearing response. But I'll hae a wee doch n doris afore we gan awa..." effing politics!

    1. Does anyone really know what a "Deoch'n'Doris" actually is? Jx

  3. Och aye! My father instructed me in my early days. Closest in English would be "one for the road."


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