Monday 26 June 2023

It's such a pleasure to see

Monday again. Groan.

After a lovely (and hot) weekend - on Saturday had a good time with our cousins from Canada, who are in the UK for a few days, and yesterday was really hot and very windy so was mainly spent chilling - it's back to "reality" again.

However, the countdown to "Gay Xmas" in London this weekend has begun - and who better on this Tacky Music Monday to open proceedings than our beloved Patron Saint of Bugle Beads, Miss Mitzi Gaynor and her magnificent safety gays?!

Have a good week, dear reader. It's the gayest time of the year!


  1. Wow. So much to take in with that Mitzi Gaynor number. I recognize her Safety Gays, but then I suppose they all look alike. So sad that they had to tuck if they wanted to be seen on tv in those outfits.

    1. The one on Mitzi's left appears to have - ahem - untucked. Jx

    2. I agree dear he did come untucked. In some cases it's like trying to hold back the ocean.

    3. Irresistible force meets immovable object? Jx

  2. Dear goddess, who in the hell Turned the Lights On so damn early. After this weekend and festivities from all the pride revelry , today is going to be one long dreadfully ugly day.

    1. Mitzi makes everything brighter!! [Sorry. Was I shouting? 😀] Jx

  3. Replies
    1. Surprised you didn't say "eh?"

      Neither's a born Canuck - my cousin's roots are in Wales (obvs), and her husband's family are from Florida. They do, however, talk "Tronno". Jx

    2. hahaha! I'm familiar with Main Man lived there for 10 years and whenever he and his chums crossed the border he found it expedient to drop that "t" US Border cops...

      Apart from all that...why the heck must you mention bloody Christmas NOW??? In 3 weeks half the local (Aussie) loonies will be gearing up for their silly "Christmas in July." I suppose it might, at a stretch, work in Tasmanian highlands, but up here, this close to the Equator?? Gimme a break!

    3. I hate "real" Xmas, but "Gay Xmas" is an altogether different matter! We also refer to the Eurovision Song Contest as "The Gay World Cup". Jx

    4. I knew you'd appreciate that one! Jx

  4. Le spectaculaire MITZI, qui illumine la journee. Nous utilisons pour obtenir ses emissions de television a Montreal a partir des signaux de television de NBC et CBS affilies dans le nord de l'Etat de New York. Ses spectacles etaint tres 'gaies', je suis surpris que les censurs et les groupes de pression ne l'aient pas attaquee.

    1. I was finally gifted the DVD of her Razzle Dazzle! The Special Years compilation of song and dance numbers from her television spectaculars last Xmas. Must organise another "Film Club", so I can torture - sorry, entertain - "our gang" with it! 😎 Jx

  5. We all have cousins in Canada! My neighbours have had theirs staying for a week.
    Doesn't Mitzi look joyful?! Love her hat!

    1. She's always joyful! Love her hat. Adore her. Jx

  6. Adore Mitzi. She worked so damn hard. And she looks a bit like a pink turkey in that outfit. AS FOR MAGIC DUST.... I have a lot of the latter and none of the former. Kizzes.


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