Wednesday 3 July 2024


Gosh. In all the excitement of Saturday's Gay Pride, we neglected to notice that was also Armed Forces Day!

Better late than never...

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Maniacal cackling on the wind

A stoical man gazing at the clouds has grimly warned that a hen party is approaching.

Sitting in his rocking chair, old timer Norman Steele has predicted that dozens of drunken women will soon be heading in his direction so everyone should hunker down before it strikes.

Steele, who has not been the same since the hen do of 2012, said: “They’re doing pre-drinks in an Airbnb right now, but they’re a-comin’. They’re a-comin’.

“If you listen closely, you can hear their maniacal cackling on the wind. Within the hour they’ll start blaring "Single Ladies" and "Wannabe", and that’s when the nightmare truly begins.

“First you’ll see their penis-shaped deely-boppers on the horizon as they stagger from one cocktail bar to the other. Then they’ll rip through the streets in a flurry of personalised sashes, wreaking havoc on traffic and pedestrians alike. Nobody will be safe.

“You can only tell the strength of a hen party by the damage it leaves in its wake, but this one feels like a biggie. Come the morning, expect to see hundreds of shattered pitchers and the bodies of broken waiting staff littering the pavement.

“I’m off to hide in my hen party cellar, and I suggest you do the same. May God have mercy on us all.”

The Daily Mash

Of course.

On a possibly similar note, another of the "blasts from the past" that we sang along to as the Gay Pride parade passed by on Saturday was this one [which could quite easily also be mistaken for a "hen party classic"]:

I love it! Indeed.

Monday 1 July 2024

C'est vrai que j'aime bien les beaux garçons

Fuck! Monday again?!! So soon..?

It's back to reality time, after a splendid Gay Pride weekend, and I am not looking forward to it whatsoever.

Media whores? Us? How dare you.

Hey ho. On this Tacky Music Monday - let's bring on the safety gays!!

Thank heavens for Our Patron Saint Dalida, I say!

Have a good week, dear reader.