Phew! Another busy week is dragging its heels - but the end in sight... Despite the fact it is Friday the Thirteenth (ooo-er!), it's still time for us to start letting our hair down, to get in the mood for a party...
...and have a bit of a "timeslip moment", to boot!
The USS Enterprise-D has deposited us three decades into the past, in the nexus of 1994 - the year of the Channel Tunnel, the IRA ceasefire, the Israel–Jordan peace treaty, Nelson Mandela and the final end of apartheid, the final end of the Cold War, Edwina Currie's support of the lowering of the age of consent for homosexual relationships to 16 which was rejected and followed by the passing of an amendment which made it 18, Fred and Rose West and the "House of Horrors" murders, the ordination of women priests, Silvio Berlusconi, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Sunday trading, Ace of Base, the so-called "Sharongate" saga in EastEnders, President Clinton, the sinking of the MS Estonia in the Baltic Sea with 852 deaths, Prince Charles' confession on TV of adultery with Camilla (and Diana wearing that iconic "little black dress" on the same day), Schindler's List, peace in Angola, the arrival of Tony Blair as opposition leader, Russian invasion of Chechnya, Mrs. Doubtfire, the "cash for questions" affair, Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, the Britpop "war" between Oasis and Blur, Newt Gingrich, Pulp Fiction, the arrest of OJ Simpson for murder, the Sony Playstation, genocide in Rwanda, Wet Wet Wet's Love Is All Around being at #1 for 15 weeks, Serial Mom, civil war in Yemen, "Life is like a box of chocolates", and the Michael Jackson-Lisa Marie Presley freakshow wedding...
...the year Tom Daley, Harry Styles, Justin Bieber, the National Lottery, Friends, Yahoo, AOL and Amazon were born; and the year Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Peter Cushing, Roy Castle, Burt Lancaster, Fanny Cradock, Cesar Romero, Telly Savalas, Labour leader John Smith, Henry Mancini, John Curry, Kurt Cobain, Cab Calloway, Dan Hartman, Stephen Milligan MP, Derek Jarman, Dennis Potter, Harry Nilsson, Ayrton Senna and Doris Speed all died.
It was also a peak year in "The Decade of Dance". So let's load the "Club Classics" cassette into the Walkman, and with not one, not two, but three classics from that very year - Thank Disco(?) It's Friday!!
First up, some noise [and I went mad for this when I first heard it!]:
...some trance:
...and, from this very week thirty years ago [EEK!], this!
Have a great weekend, dear reader!!