Ooh, it's all happening at the moment - on Saturday night/Sunday morning our clocks went forward, meaning that we are now in British Summer Time (yay! - shame the temperatures have dipped ten degrees since Saturday); yesterday was Mothers' Day; and today, the world's assorted pranksters/cynical marketing types have embraced April Fool's Day with a vengeance:
- BBC iPlayer announced the addition of a new feature on the on-demand platform: the 'Skip The Sex' button - a feature for anyone who would rather avoid "awkward sex scenes" while watching television with the family or on public transport. Not to be out-done, the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 announced the forthcoming "John Humphrys relaxation podcast" [for those not in the know, Mr Humphrys (soon to retire after 32 years presenting the show) is renowned for his curmudgeonly, "grumpy old man" style of interviews]. Although it looked like a hoax on the BBC website, however, it would appear the dreadful "Happy News" woman is actually "real".
- The Guardian really went to town, with a full-length article on "contenders" for the role of "Brexit healing Tsar"; while The Daily Express reported that "the UK may be barred from participating in the Eurovision Song Contest in the event of a hard Brexit".
- There were the usual food-related hoaxes, including Heinz "Creme Egg-flavoured mayo", "spreadable" Yorkshire Tea, McDonalds' "pickle burger", shortbread manufacturers Walkers' "tallbread", Colman’s "Mustard Custard" and Sainsburys' "pink avocado".
- Elsewhere, The Royal Albert Hall announced it was "planning to undergo a 180° rotation in 2020"; clothing brand Boden published a response to the "striped Breton top ban by the EU"; Ryanair touted its plans for "cheap space flights"; Kia cars announced a "swipe left/swipe right smartscreen replacement for the steering wheel"; and football fans were encouraged to embrace the "half-and-half Manchester City and Manchester United football shirt"...
After all that jocularity, here's an appropriate number for this Tacky Music Monday:
[2022 UPDATE: Video has gone from the interwebs - click here for a clip]
We're not closing with just the Lawrence Welk Show and that cheesy bloke wearing ridiculous clothing, however - not when it's the late, great Miss Debbie Reynolds' birthday... In this clip, she's introduced by Liberace, surrounded by safety gays, high-kicking and wielding a tambourine like a scimitar - of course she's going to get the last word!
Mary Frances "Debbie" Reynolds (1st April 1932 – 28th December 2016)
ReplyDelete🎥 April Fools' Day - YouTube
ReplyDeleteThey just don't make safety gays like that anymore.
I know, I know - where have all the sequins gone? Jx
DeleteSuperdrug sent me an email about earlobe glitter, and the many ways to apply it, which I thought was rather cute. Boots didn't bother, and were a disappointment.
Who'd have thought it? Superdrug has a sense of humour? They need to smile, I suppose, with their inflated prices. I prefer Savers, myself - po-faced and dirt cheap. Jx