Wednesday 28 April 2021

A word from our sponsors

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  1. Too fun. Love old advertisements. The blue boy one! Kills me. The model, the terrible jewelry. I remember that movement. Red flocked wallpaper. It was awful. I loved hatboxes. I also remember that there was a hair dryer that came in a similar case... plastic tube with plastic bag over the hair? And Madame Dowding's torture devices. Is that how Vampira kept her 19" waist?

    1. I vaguely remember home hairdrying kits with the bag and all that malarkey - the trend didn't last once setting lotion went out of fashion. The Madame Dowding ad cracks me up - what are those blokes doing in it? Was this a bold early venture into fetishism, or has some clever bod been let loose with Photoshop? Jx

  2. My mom would always casually mention that if a man was handsome and blonde he must be gay! I did have a blonde boyfriend once. She said, "How did you find one that isn't gay?" I said if it makes you feel any better his mother is and her girlfriend's name is "Melanie" so I have to listen to phone conversations about "Your Melanie" and "My Melanie." Ha,ha,ha. The man was a hummingbird, all too eager to dip into as many flowers as possible. Hmm, Maybe we do have a shortage of blonde straight men around here. Ha,ha,ha.

    1. The gay ones obviously wear Blue Boy t-shirts and crap jewellery. Jx

  3. Now, the Blue Boy t-shirt - does it come in mauve?

    1. "The Mona Lisa? Yes, I certainly have heard of it. Yes do, we're open till five. Bye."



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