Monday 29 August 2022

Lulululul lululululul lul*

Next time we go on holiday, we're flying with Schinkehager Airlines.

It may be our last Bank Holiday Monday, and thus the end of the "Summer Season" [yes, my overseas chums, it is true - we in the UK have no further holidays between the end of August and 25th December!], but it's still a tradition around these parts to have something jolly (and in most cases completely preposterous) to start any week... on this Tacky Music Monday, let's head back again [I wish!] to Amsterdam, for a little - ahem! - something from an old fave, Ria Valk!

[* Apparently, the refrain from the above song, translated from the Dutch, means "asshole, assholes, assholes, assholes".Which is nice.]

Have a good time on your extra day off, dear reader, and a good week.

[Mine starts tomorrow. Oh! the horror...]


  1. It took me a little while to realise that those are pipes in the background and not slimline disco Daleks. I think it was the preposterously mustachio'd middleman who put me off because he reminded me of Mark Heap.

    Happy Holiday, Jon! (Even if it is only one miserly day)

    1. I reckon more song-and-dance numbers should include "Disco Daleks"! Jx

      PS I had to look up Mr Heap, and I am still no wiser.

  2. We have our holiday next Monday. I, for one, plan to be naked beneath the sun, frolicking with like-minded men in the tall grass, pretending that summer is forever and that we are all young! Kizzes.

  3. There is something of a young Yootha Joyce about Ria Valk!

    1. Mildred : [as George is combing his hair] "Oh, changing your style are you? It used to be three hairs to the right and two to the left."
      George : "Sarcasm goes right over my head."
      Mildred : "Pity your hair doesn't."

      I loved Yootha Joyce! Jx

  4. Leo certainly does seems to be one and a deeply unpleasant person to-boot.
    "when he's drunk the whole neighbourhood sings


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