Friday 7 July 2023

Ah, let's give the boy a hand

You know you're getting old when... discover that "cult hero" Kevin Bacon turns 65 years old tomorrow!

Not the prettiest of the "Brat Pack" twinks (nor the least attractive either; Judd Nelson was never what I would call "cute"), nevertheless he has carved himself a very successful career in film and television, won loads of awards - and (of course) inspired the popular party game/"meme" Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

He always comes across as the kind of person who cheerfully takes the piss out of himself, and his guest appearance in The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special was very funny indeed. He's even advertising mobile phones over here in the UK!

Anyhoo, I digress...

Another weekend looms into view, the weather has finally turned a corner (we are expecting 29-30C (84-86F) today), and we need to start getting in the party mood, so [with a song from Mr Bacon's most famous film Footloose] - let's hear it for him, and Thank Disco It's Friday!

Many happy returns, Kevin Norwood Bacon (born 8th July 1958)


  1. He and his brothers and the rest of his family all hail and are locals out of Philadelphia. While his family still lives in Philly I think he himself even still keeps a penthouse downtown. I remember two years in a row Kevin Bacon was actually in the Gay Pride Parade. But I agree I never thought he was the most handsome or cutest but I will say that boy has a huge cock.

    1. Suddenly, I am more intrigued than ever about Mr Bacon... Jx

  2. His tailor doesn't need to ask...

    1. Oh, I can see that from here - and I know they didn't have mobile phones in the 80s either, so it's not that. Jx

  3. He appears to be a really decent human being… for an old guy. Judd’s nostrils always made him look like he was angry.

    1. Whereas Mr Bacon's seemed out-of-place on his face 😜.

      I've never heard anyone say a bad word about him. A genuine person, methinks. Jx

  4. I love this wife... they recently posted a vid where they sing about not stepping in goat poop. Kizzes.

    1. Ha!

      Married for 35 years - a rare relationship success story for Hollywood... Jx

  5. Are you really living in the UK???? Those high temperatures failed to reach us in Devon! Nothing close - highs of 18º!

    1. Oh it was verrrrrrrrry hot that day. Since then, it's all been thunderstorms, grey and windy weather, so nothing new. Wimbledon Fortnight's usually like this. Jx


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