Tuesday 18 July 2023

Strike II: The Revenge

Read all about it in The Independent.


  1. Okay that made me laugh and it's probably not going to be on true. The strike doesn't affect me very much as I watch it very little TV if any and usually don't go to the movies. Most of my TV viewing is from Brit and Aussie's!!!

    1. British telly - certainly over its long history - has produced some of the best quality programming in the world. [Some absolute stinkers too, but on balance...] Jx

    2. I agree Jon!!!!! I think that 's why I enjoy it more than US telly.

    3. I think secretly you just want to be Marina from the Holmfirth Co-op... Jx

  2. My concern is that striking will more likely lead to them being replaced by AI! Or actors who are skint.

    1. Hollywood's already "de-ageing" actors and "bringing them back from the dead" (didn't Peter Cushing make an appearance from beyond the grave in one of those interminable Star Wars spin-offs? It's all about the money - and the money will always win, no matter what the battle. Jx

  3. I'm a union person - but I have a hard time taking actors like John Cusack and Fran Dreischer seriously when they whine about money. I have a hard time taking SAG seriously, come to that. It's been a scam since Reagan sold it out.

    1. It is a little difficult to have empathy with a union that has so may obviously already wealthy and privileged representatives on the picket lines (as opposed to, say, nurses or caring professions), but I guess they're also standing up for the behind-the-scenes people in the entertainment industry too... Jx

    2. I too agree with you both. I find it hard to take pity and cry me a river over the actors, who is most cases make hundreds of thousand per episode of a telly show or make millions for one movie. Cry me a river.

      The people in profession who need to make more or healthcare workers, nurses and teacher, factory workers and the like. The only part of the strike in Hollywood that is good is for the behind-the-scenes staff and production and support people, who get paid peanuts. But the actors???? I'm sure they will survive .....

  4. Those wealthy ones are there to stick up for those who struggle in the biz. Yes... it's ALL about greed. As in... why do only the producers get to be filthy filthy rich... what if they cut it down to one filthy and allow the other filthy to be divided amongst the performers, grips, and boomer operators, writers, etc. Well. I don't care for actors anyway... they're all a bit too much about themselves for my taste. And their brains! Swiss cheese and scrambled eggs - all emotional torment and unresolved mummy issues. If it's not money, it's ego. I... just can't. I can't care about any of it. It's not as if we haven't enough damn entertainment to last us until we're in our graves. I swear... one more streaming service and I'll scream. I can't watch it all... so I don't watch any of it. So... let them strike. Forever. Let not another flick ever be made. Nary a television show laugh tracked. I'll be fine. Now... let's all go outside and watch mother nature have her revenge on the human race, shall we?

    1. I'm with you on streaming/subscription services - I stick to the free stuff and sod the the rest! As I said above, I'm not particularly bothered one way or another if the actors go on strike, or indeed stay on strike... Jx


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