Monday 10 July 2023

Dimmi quando!

Bah! Monday again.

A lazy weekend has flown by and here we are again, scrubbing up for another joyous week in the office.

Often at the start of the week, my Tacky Music Monday feature revolves around an OTT song-and-dance number to raise the spirits...

...and sometimes, the number in question genuinely does deserve the epithet "tacky".

Like this!

If that didn't wake you up (even if only to run for the "stop" button), then nothing will!

Have a good week, dear reader...


  1. Oh man, is that EVER tacky! It was painful to listen to. And I thought his name was Tony Penis.

  2. Replies
    1. I think it's the hotter place to which you should be looking. Jx

  3. It sounds like the Scissor Sisters.

    1. ...if they had been covered by one of those cheapo session-singer combos on a Top of the Pops LP from Woolworths, maybe. Jx

  4. If Barry Manilow had a baby with Robin Gibb and had it neutered immediately after birth, this would be that child. He rocked my world at 1:31! Quando Quandoooooooooooo!! *still jiggling*

    1. It's a mutation of monstrous proportions that makes Tony Orlando and Dawn seem like Plácido Domingo. I'm so pleased it rocked your world, Ms First Nations! Jx

  5. Why does he even have that guitar? He can't play it. Buyt that's OK...on the sidebar "suggestions" I see Two Ronnies doing a Morris dance. Gotta be better!

    1. The Two Ronnies knocked spots off most performers! Jx

  6. That video is a SCREAM! The backup singers! And his voice? And the way he he holds a guitar but has no idea how to play it. FASCINATING. I hope his backup dancers all got laid later that night at the disco. Thanks for sharing. Kizzes.

    1. It is one of the most inadvertently funny things I've seen in ages. The way he sits there, sincerely thinking "this is going so well"! Jx

      PS Mr Penis, sorry Renis, is still with us, aged 85...

  7. I am Gobsmacked by this
    He sounds like he has his nuts caught in a mangle. The three women (Drag ?) are a hoot but why are they dressed like rejected extras from 'I Claudius'.
    I roared when one of them got out her violin.
    You have surpassed yourself in tackiness.
    Truly Dreadful

    1. "You have surpassed yourself in tackiness"?

      You've set me a challenge right there! Jx


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