Monday 25 September 2023

Not so much "Cuando", but "Por qué?"

Monday again...

You know you're getting old when... discover that former heartthrob Ian Ogilvy (aka "The Saint" in the 1980s revamp series), the effervescent Miss Toni Basil, and the "great Spanish seducer" Julio Iglesias are all 80 years old! Gulp.

It is (inevitably) to the latter to whom we turn for today's "wake-up call" this Tacky Music Monday - and this number from his 1970s telly show certainly is a complete mindfuck! Enjoy...

Whatever the hell was going on there, I am pretty certain some very heavy psychedelic drugs were involved.

Have a good week, dear reader...


  1. That opening portrayal of the grasses sleeping at sunset was bizarre. OK, the entire video was bizarre. I had no idea Julio Iglesias was a good dancer... and I still don’t.

    1. Why were those two women cuddling lumps of turf? What was the "sexy bride" all about? Whose fever dream was this? Questions, questions... Jx

  2. Woah. Exactly - why are they cradling turf??? And what was wrong with the woman he didn't kiss? Was she his wife? All a bit too David Lynch for my liking - at least there wasn't any chicken involvement.

    1. Even David Lynch would find this confusing. Jx

  3. Tony Basil 80 she must have been knocking on when Mickey was released.

    1. She was 39 - hardly "knocking-on". It's just that 1982 is a fucking long time ago, now... Jx

    2. Yep.......I'd say the special candy dish in the welcome center was filled with the "good stuff" that day.

    3. I don't think you meant to post this as a reply to Mitzi but as a standalone comment, Mads... However, I do so agree, the candy dish was likely brimming in the production of Snr Iglesias's show! Jx

  4. All a bit much for 2am. Perhaps it will make more sense after breakfast?


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