Thursday 21 September 2023

Pour Moi, Moi, Moi, Moi, Moi!

Another day, and another obscure piece of news inspires me - that of the departure for Fabulon of one Lou Deprijck.

Who? I hear you ask...

Mr Deprijck was rather recherché, even by Belgian standards - songwriter, singer, surrealist, collaborator with the avant-garde film director Jan Bucquoy, co-founder of The Underwear Museum [yes! it does exist], occasionally known as Billy Belushi, Charlie Brown Family or J.P. Hawks...

...and the man behind myriad hits, including this:

...and, best of all - this old fave, a classic if ever there was one!

Oh, how we loved it! [Allegedly, it's not M Bertrand singing on it at all, it was actually Mr Deprijck.]

RIP, Francis Jean "Lou" Deprijck (11th January 1946 – 19th September 2023)


  1. I really Que Tal America, but the bongo player makes it look like a children's show. Actually, I like both songs. So, M Bertrand got away with it and Milli Vanilli did not!

    1. M Bertrand [real name Roger François Jouret ] admitted as such, but still retains the right to perform it as "his own", which is very odd.

      But Belgian... Jx

  2. Replies
    1. That song is infectious - even 45 years later (gulp)! Jx

  3. both very different and I Love both
    'Pour Moi' especially .

    1. There was nothing else quite like it! Jx


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