Friday 6 October 2023

I don't care what you do to them

Again, we breathe a sigh of relief that the weekend is looming - and once more, the Met Office has tantalisingly forecast it's going to warm up again...

In anticipation - it's party time! So let's retrieve a variety of gaily decorated hats out of the dressing-up box, funk along with the S.O.S. Band - and Thank Disco It's Friday!

Friends tell me I am crazy
That I'm wasting time with you
You'll never be mine
That's not the way I see it
'Cause I feel you're already mine
Whenever you're with me

People always talk about reputation
I don't care 'bout your other girls
Just be good to me
Friends are always tellin' me you're a user
I don't care what you do to them
Just be good to me

Life is a game of chances
So I'll take my chance with you
And you I won't try to change
We, talk about it and I'd
Rather have a piece of you
Than to have all or nothing

But just be good to me, in the morning
Just be good to me, in the afternoon or evening
Just be good to me

I'm not the jealous type
I won't tie you down when you need me
I'll be around
I'll be good to you, you'll be good to me
We will be together, be together

Have a disco-tastic weekend, dear reader!


  1. Ooh that conga line. The hurrier they go the behinder they get.

  2. I actually love this track! 80's though? Non?
    As for the weather - already flipping hot here, and the issue is wasps and hornets going a bit crazy.

    1. Forty years ago, indeed!

      It's a bit too windy for it to have warmed up properly yet here - but I am hoping it will. We have wasps a-plenty, but they're no bother; too busy searching through our herbaceous plants looking for caterpillars and spiders to concern themselves with us. I have never seen a hornet, however, and I certainly am in no hurry to do so! Jx

  3. I got the glasses chilling as we speak dear.

    1. "Bolly? Stolly? Sweetie?"
      "Right, cheers, thanks a lot."


  4. You know what they say, if you can't be good, be good at it.

  5. Do the little children folk of today know how very much every popular song now is influenced and descended from funk? I still love it, that lazy bass line with space around every note will never get old.

    1. Coincidentally, I am just listening to The Temptations' Ball of Confusion, and I hear the roots of so many genres in that one song... Jx


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