Saturday 7 October 2023

So I’m sitting at a bar in Guadalajara...

I just heard this on the radio, and was reminded of the genius of the lovely Miss Kirsty McColl - whose birthday it would have been next week - so just had to feature it again...

I once met a man with a sense of adventure
He was dressed to thrill wherever he went
He said “Let’s make love on a mountain top
Under the stars on a big hard rock”

I said “In these shoes?
I don’t think so”
I said “Honey, let’s do it here.

“So I’m sitting at a bar in Guadalajara
In walks a guy with a faraway look in his eyes
He said “I’ve got a powerful horse outside
Climb on the back, I’ll take you for a ride
I know a little place, we can get there for the break of day.”

I said “In these shoes?
No way, Jose”
I said “Honey, let’s stay right here.”

No le gusta caminar. No puede montar a caballo
(She doesn’t like to walk, she can’t ride a horse)
Como se puede bailar? Es un escandolo
(But the way she dances, it’s a scandal)

Then I met an Englishman
“Oh” he said
“Won’t you walk up and down my spine,
It makes me feel strangely alive.”

I said “In these shoes?
I doubt you’d survive.”
I said “Honey, let’s do it.
Let’s stay right here.”

Love. It!


  1. Made me want to tango babaloo! And I would too if I had those red Mary Quants!!!!!

    1. Como se puede bailar? Es un escandolo!

  2. I have to admit I'm only familiar with this song from the Kinky Boots lipsynch. I'm glad to hear the whole song. It IS irresistible.

    1. I don't remember that from the musical, so I assume it was in the film? [I've never seen that] Jx

  3. It's been an age since I heard this song!!! Get the platforms out!

  4. That is my kind of song! I'd never heard it til now. Thanks! I'd hug you, but not in theses slippers :-)

    1. Ha! Surprised you never heard it before - it was released twenty-three years ago! Jx

  5. Her tragic death was a loss to to world and still no justice !

    1. "Justice" isn't a word one generally associates with Mexico (where she was killed). "Corruption" is. Jx

  6. She had so much still to give us, I feel. Fabulous voice, and person.


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