Friday 27 October 2023

The future, it's still tomorrow - are we living too fast?

Madam Arcati and I always like to celebrate a weekend by dressing casual...

You know you're getting old when... discover that the uber-cool doyen of all things 80s Mr Simon Le Bon is 65 years old today!

All the more excuse for a party, methinks [and we're actually having one tomorrow (after a fashion; it's just drinks in a Wetherspoons) , to mark our friend John-John's birthday].

What better way than this, one the Durannies' more funky numbers, to kick things off? Thank Disco It's Friday!

Have a good one, dear reader!


  1. I used to think the opening line of this song was “Dust is another country.”

    1. Diction's never been Mr Le Bon's greatest talent, I have to admit. They're from Birmingham, which might explain things... Jx

  2. Oh, that was a fantastic way to start the weekend! I hadn't heard it before and thought it was far more recent than it actually is. 2015? Blimey!

    Happy weekend! x

    1. Blimey, indeed - I featured it at the time in one of my "newer music" posts, and it appears you weren't the only one who missed it, as that post had no comments from anyone...

      [That was probably the moment when I gave those kind of "collation posts" a rest for a while; not much point doing them if nobody's listening.] Jx

  3. I had to look up what exactly might be a "Wetherspoons" where you're going for your bacchanal. I had thought it was a grocery chain which seemed like an odd choice. Still, I would have supported you.

    1. Wetherspoons is a (relatively recent) cultural phenomenon here in the UK - cheap booze, cheap food, no sports, no music, and a habit of taking over and refurbishing quirky old buildings (such as Art Deco cinemas, banks and so forth). For a helluva lot of people, their local 'Spoons will be the only pub they go to. Jx

  4. How come you and Madam A seem to be raising your arms in time to the music??!!!
    Oh, I like this! That'll teach me to pay more attention to your music posts - to be fair I mostly DO listen these days.
    Have a wonderful celebratory weekend!

    1. Thank you for the compliment on our impeccable choreography, Ms Scarlet! It takes a lot of practice to get the arm movements right and keep breathing in to hold the belly in place at the same time 🤣 Jx

  5. Le talentueux Françoise Dorléac me manque, douce image.
    * d'Anjou


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