Wednesday 9 March 2022

A word from our sponsors


  1. OH MY WORD. What is that commercial from? That is amazing. You really find the best stuff. I am in awe. How creepy and spot on. As for the ads... I think we owned that hair dryer! The squirrel lamp is totally creepy and I want to meet any jerk uncool enough to own that terrible phone. Thanks you so much. Made my morning, dear. Kizzes.

    1. I thought that "Caligula Action Figures" spoof hilarious!

      I'm heading out the garden to kill a squirrel or two - I see a rage in demand for those lamps. Jx

  2. If that lady thinks Spam is the miracle meat, she evidently hasn't been around the block enough.

    Of course, she's probably the one that bought the go-go wig for a mere $5.98.

    1. Warm weather or cold weather, Spam reminds me of that quote: "Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made."


  3. Re: The Erotica Phone

    "Don't bother to give me your area code, I can smell it."

  4. Replies
    1. But did you have hair that big?! And did you wear Mucho Macho Musk Oil?

      We should be told. Jx

  5. Having seeing Mistress Maddie's blog and now this, I think having a beer with my lunch wasn't enough! I think I need a Bourbon right about now! xoxo

  6. What will happen to me if I use Macho Musk Oil?


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