Wednesday 2 March 2022

Think hard about whether it’s ever worth interrupting me before coming to the conclusion: no

Workplaces frown on negativity, foul language and cracking your co-workers’ skulls against their desks. Use these acceptable alternatives:

‘There could be something worth exploring there’
A phrase silently followed by the word ‘but’. As in: ‘There could be something worth exploring there, but right now we’re focusing on solutions actually possible in this fucking universe, thanks, dickhead.’

‘Did this suffer some sort of glitch?’
I know there wasn’t a glitch. You know there wasn’t a glitch. But I’m asking you to apologise for the shitstain of a piece of work you just delivered to me, and go fix it. And, for no other reason than I’m forced to. I’m doing it nicely.

‘No worries’
You may have no worries, crashing through life like a bull with no idea what constitutes a sentence and poor formatting skills, but I fucking do. Stay out of the way while I clean up your bullshit. And your line spacing.

‘As per my last email’
How dare you fucking email me at all, let alone with something I already fucking said? Go learn to read, learn again, go over my every communication character by character then think hard about whether it’s ever worth interrupting me before coming to the conclusion: no.

‘Please see the forwarded email below’
An escalation from the above, after you managed to somehow believe you were still in the right and yet again stomped into my inbox. Piss off, delete your email account, never turn on a computer again.

‘Is this urgent, or can we pick this up in the morning?’
Calm. The fuck. Down. You may have some sick belief that staying in the office past 6pm is a good way to spend your time, but don’t rope me into your twisted fantasy.

‘Let’s push that meeting back until we’ve met a milestone’
I’ve thought long and hard about how I would kill you.

The Daily Mash

Of course.

I'm heading to the office again today...


  1. Sincerely, I believe if an email is sufficiently stupid, you should just delete it and move on. No one ever misses a shit stain.

    1. I would be spending my entire day just deleting them... Jx

  2. The last one has me laughing until I cried... No worries and As per my last email.... the story of my f'ing life. Kizzes.

    1. Glad something took your mind off the grind... Jx

  3. I will NEVER, EVER miss having to work in an office again! You have my deepest condolences, sweetpea. xoxo

    1. Funny enough, despite everything, I prefer it to working from home! Jx

  4. I'm so glad to be Retired... my deepest condolences as well.

    1. I don't have sufficient pension in the pot to retire. I'll probably still be banging on about work till I'm 80. Jx

  5. Haha - I still use some of those...

    1. "Is this urgent, or can we pick this up in the morning?"


  6. one ran it up the flag pole to see who'd salute? Que?

    1. I had to look that one up, but it definitely deserves a whole line on "Bullshit Bingo"... Jx


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