I do alright in that department. Just enough to confuse most women. Oh, eventually they learn who I am, but initially they find me 'physically intimidating.' Dunno why... carry a big stick and all that rot. Kizzes.
How butch am I? Not as butch as Devon Chandler Long. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=QmvdvuXN&id=AA96644C3529F52682FC32843BABB24D509C11DF&thid=OIP.QmvdvuXNz_eBYlW9eEf4CQHaH8&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2f64.media.tumblr.com%2fab2d094840e3b31023cf5dd040b58354%2f12ddff5575755f9d-de%2fs640x960%2faddaf2f56c468a9d0c40eb6e5a1208e9ff675799.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.426bddbee5cdcff7816255bd7847f809%3frik%3d3xGcUE2yqzuEMg%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=687&expw=640&q=Devan+Chandler+Long&simid=608022384163698975&FORM=IRPRST&ck=30126E302E8046C1D29E63EA274E18CD&selectedIndex=29&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0
I do alright in that department. Just enough to confuse most women. Oh, eventually they learn who I am, but initially they find me 'physically intimidating.' Dunno why... carry a big stick and all that rot. Kizzes.
ReplyDeleteI confuse a lot of women, too. Mainly by talking about shoes and jewellery. Jx
DeleteHow butch am I?
ReplyDeleteWell, I turned a doorknob yesterday.
Anyone we know? Jx
DeleteHow butch am I? Not as butch as Devon Chandler Long.
Ewwww. He looks like Worzel Gummidge. Jx
DeleteWhy is it that men can go topless in public, but women can't? xoxo
ReplyDeleteSunburn? Jx
DeleteAll things considered, I'll go with that! xoxo
DeleteI don't think you should be handing out bulletins about butchness when you're wearing Holly Golightly's sunglasses.
ReplyDeleteI borrowed them from Iris Apfel, actually. Jx
DeleteNot butch. Nope. Not at all.
ReplyDeleteBut I would know what to do with that beefy blond in that picture, mind you...
Dance the cha-cha-cha? No, I didn't think so... :-)
I think I am quite Butch but nobody else does !
ReplyDeleteYou're right. Nobody does. Jx