Tuesday 8 March 2022

She's got "It"

Sun's shining, the birds are chirruping away, and the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers are shooting up before our eyes - Spring is here!

A good enough opportunity, methinks, to wallow in the glamorous lifes of gorgeous people in exotic climes again - courtesy of the faboo Soft Tempo Lounge...

Ah, that's better - almost makes the trip into the office feel more pleasant.

[Music: Hubert Wayaffe - National 1647; film: Scacco alla regina (1969)]


  1. That gif makes me want to hear Waiting For The Girls Upstairs... from Follies. You've put me in a Follies mood, love. Now... what you gonna do about it? (I'll go get my feathered headdress.) Kizzes.

    1. "Hats off,
      Here they come, those
      Beautiful girls.
      That's what
      You've been waiting for.
      Nature never fashioned
      A flower so fair.
      No rose can compare-
      Nothing respectable
      Half so delectable.
      Cheer them
      In their glory,
      Diamonds and pearls,
      Dazzling jewels
      By the score."

      Indeed. Jx

  2. Love the music as always but I started to find all of those close ups a bit annoying.

    1. I don't think anyone would consider "a black comedy about a woman who goes to work as a servant and ends up a sex slave to her mistress" as being the height of sophistication in the cinematic world. Even in Italy... Jx


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