Monday 14 March 2022

The sparrow, the punk and the mindfuck

RIP, William Hurt.

It begins. Again. The weekend was over far too soon, although for a change it was productive (in the fact that we got so many jobs done in the garden that need to be done at this time of year; as my back and shoulders will testify).

Now it's back to the grind again...

Never fear, dear reader, I have indeed found a remarkable "wake-up call" for today's Tacky Music Monday [I should really start calling it "Mindfuck Monday" when I stumble across things like this] - enjoy!

Have a good week, folks.


  1. I had no idea about William Hurt. How did I miss that news bit?

    There would have been no gardening this weekend here. We got hit with a snowstorm again...covering the beautiful flowering bulbs. I'm hoping, they survive.....

    1. It was sad news - he never revealed he was ill (cancer).

      Snow?! Oh, heavens - hope it doesn't cross "the pond"... Jx

  2. Glad I won't be staying at the Holiday Inn that pair is playing at any time soon. As for Mr. Hurt... totally forgot he did that role. He was lovely... on the screen. Always throwing in little surprises to keep us on our toes. Kizzes.

    1. I loved Kiss of the Spider Woman - Mr Hurt's one and only Oscar, well deserved! Jx

  3. There is tacky and then there is Tacky. This week you have out tackied yourself.
    Can't understand why it was not a hit !

    1. Imagine "Legs & Co" dancing to it on Top of the Pops... Jx


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