Friday 18 November 2022

Driving me insane

After a grim and gruelling week, it's always good to see a bit of sunshine as we slide towards the weekend...

My sister and I have a visit from The Mother for her birthday tomorrow (sister's hosting this time - yay!), so that is something to look forward to - but first, let's have a party! The video for this long-forgotten slice of fabulosity has a bit of everything - chess, dad-dancing and some lovely totty, to boot.

Thanks Disco Techno It's Friday!

Get off him, you bitch, he's mine!

Have a great weekend, peeps.


  1. Who are you telling about a grim and grueling week? After I got back from p-town I had to work two whole days!

    But I digress on to the weekend which is supposed to be sunny bright but chilly. We've had two Frost this week so I suspect I'll be in the garden taking the annuals out and pruning the roses and salvias.

    1. Edina: "Anyway Patsy's got that job for life."
      Saffy: "You don't mean to say she's actually good at something?"
      Edina: "No, darling, she slept with the publisher!"


      PS We never prune in autumn, apart from long stems that are in danger of snapping anyhow - especially borderline tender plants like salvia. We do that in Spring. Far safer.

  2. I don’t remember that tune at all - it’s very noisy.
    It keeps raining, but I think tomorrow might be better - have a good one, and Happy Birthday, Jon’s Mum!!!

    1. I like a bit of "noise" to start the weekend off!

      It was quite nice and sunny here today. Fingers crossed for tomorrow... Jx

  3. Oh, the poor love is too exhausted to get out of bed - What have you done to him, Jon?!

    1. I know what I'd like to do with him... Jx

  4. I can't listen to that ! Our power went off just before the agent was due with a troupe of "open house" gawkers. We couldn't open the bloody garage roller door!!!! I hate all-electric crap!

    1. Sounds like it's all "driving you insane", Dinah..! Jx

  5. Madness... absolute madness. That song itches your brain until it draws blood.

  6. Love this track, Love the video and the totty is rather sweet too


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