Saturday 19 November 2022

My first rule of thumb: I don't say where I'm going. Or where I'm coming from.

[click to embiggen]

It's not just my mother's birthday today - she's in London for the celebrations, to blow out 87 candles! - but also that of Tommy Dorsey, Ofra Haza, King Charles I, Isabella Blow, Calvin Klein, Indira Gandhi, Raymond Blanc, Gene Tierney, Larry King, Meg Ryan, Douglas Henshall, Ted Turner, and... just know you're getting old when you find out...

...that Miss Jodie Foster is sixty years old today!

She might be famous for Taxi Driver, for The Silence of the Lambs, The Accused, Nell, Panic Room and all that, but in my opinion, this is her shining moment:

Many happy returns, Alicia Christian "Jodie" Foster (born 19th November 1962)


  1. That is one odd shining moment.

  2. My first rule of thumb? I don't KNOW where I'm going or where I'm coming from.

    Many happy returns to the Mother of Jon!

  3. "Show business is in my veins" ...

    Happy Birthday Jon's mam.

    1. Oh, how I wish show business was in my veins. Instead, I work for the council and drink cider. Jx

  4. Here's to Jon's mum for without her, he wouldn't be with us. And that, I can't imagine.

  5. "If it was rainin' brains Roxy Robinson wouldn't even get wet..." I bet Humphrey Bogart would have loved that line.Damn! I'd like to see that movie again.

    1. It's certainly available on DVD, my dear, if not one of the streaming services... Jx

  6. I loved Bugsy Malone - had a little crush on Scott Baio at the time of it's release! Such a fun film.
    Hope your mum had a great birthday!

    1. After all these years, it's been adapted as a stage musical - on tour across the UK at the moment and coming to Ally Pally (not far from us) in December. We may even try for tickets... Jx

  7. Like Hepburn, she is an incredibly unique talent and quite the mystery. She's smart. And people love smart.

    1. Unique is definitely the word. There is no-one quite like her. Jx

  8. Jodie Foster has some fine company to share her birthday with.


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