Friday 4 October 2024

Feel the melody that's in the air

Waves of relief are beginning to wash over me, as the scent of a weekend wafts tantalisingly in the air. The forecast doesn't look too bad, either - temps in the low 60s F and, importantly, no rain! - so there's every chance I might be able to embark on "phase 1" of clearing autumnal clag off the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers ["phase 2" will be once the bastard weed trees shed all their leaves in a few weeks' time]...

Meanwhile, let's plan the party! How about a House ("yeah, you know House!") classic to warm us up nicely? Until it was on BBC Radio 2's Dance Sounds of the 90s recently, I hadn't heard this one in years...

Thank Disco Jack It's Friday!

Have a good one, peeps!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Violet, Countess of Grantham. Jx

  2. I finally made it out into the garden after work. Much had to be cut down or back after the cold temps and deluge of rains we had. But other things are still blooming for a few weeks uet anyhow. But the garden is definitely fading.

    And today? Rain.

    1. The Season of Death creeps ever onwards. Dammit! Jx

  3. "temps in the low 60s C" ?! The Season of Death, indeed!

    1. Ah yes - spotted my (ahem) deliberate meteorological error! Changed now, for fear of speculation that Wood Green in October is indeed hotter than Death Valley... Jx


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