Saturday, 5 October 2024

The final frontier

I am aching in places I didn't even know could ache, having spent several fruitful hours in the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers. Two full bin-bags of crap - mainly sycamore seeds and prunings - later, and I have barely scraped the surface (literally) of about one-third of what needs to be done...

On a different subject altogether, we're apparently in the middle of World Space Week (who knew?), so let's have a selection of suitably-themed songs for your delectation, shall we?

First up, an old, old favourite that I and my sister used to dance to way back in the early '80s at Lazers nightclub (RIP) in Newport:

A classic that simply had to be here:

From the sublime to the ridiculous...

Donny & Marie Osmond Space Finale With Charo, Roy Clark, George Gobel, Osmond Brothers:

And three bizarre examples from the kitsch end of the genre...

...ending up with Miss Sara Brightman and Hot Gossip and their timeless - ahem - classic I Lost My Heart To A Starship Trooper:

Strange new worlds, indeed.


  1. I love Planet Claire, I too danced frantically to it back in the day. And I am always charmed by how cheerfully out of tune Bowie is in Starman. The rest of the choons sound very much like a Red Dwarf compilation album.

    1. It was easy to forgive David Bowie for many musical sins. Until Tin Machine came around, that is. Jx

      PS Smeg.

  2. Starman takes me back to my first year (first week) at university and my first university romance on a mattress on the floor in the freshman women’s dorm. Suzie Pickering introduced me to David Bowie... and other things.

    1. I bet the "real you" felt a lot better when you met her brother Brad... 😂 Jx

    2. And I thought I was a late starter! Although I never went with a woman... Jx

    3. Oh, I kept busy until I turned 27.

    4. I bet! 😉😉😉 Jx

  3. Time has not been kind to some of these songs but I loved them all at the time.


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